President - Greg O'Callaghan

 Vice President - Tom Ryan

 Secretary/Treasurer - Jim Ciurczak

 Board of Directors -   Rick Williams, Pete Campbell, Jim Munro, Fred Gadawski, Dave Clingersmith, Phil Holody

 Handicap Chairman - Phil Holody


 Membership - $65.00

Associate Membership - $40.00
Junior Members (Under 18) - $20.00

Membership allows members to play in all club sponsored tournaments, which include scheduled Tee Time Tournaments, Match Play Tournament, Club Championship and any other tournament that may be offered by the club.
In addition membership provides you with a U.S.G.A. certified handicap allowing you to participate in Buffalo District and WNY Publinks golf tournaments.

Associate Membership provides you with  a USGA Handicap and access to the GHIN system.  Associate Membership is designed for those needing a handicap and to belong to a BDGA associated club in order to be able to play in BDGA and NYSGA tournaments.

Associate Members are not eligible to compete in club sponsored events.

Associate Membership carries no voting privileges.

Junior members may participate in the club sponsored Junior Club and represent the Hyde Park Golf Club by playing in the B.D.G.A. Junior League.

They may also be paid via Venmo to James-Ciurczak or by check made out to H.P.G.C and mailed to:


1241 Brandi Dr.

Niagara Falls, NY 14304